A man good enough to shed his blood for his country...

Part 2 PTSD NUT OR HIGH-LEVEL COVERUP? Cunningham v. New Jersey
Vietnam vet alleges corruption, conflict of interest in New Jersey courts
EVIDENCE That The State Of New Jersey Knew Of The Facts Over 10 Years Ago
After Over Ten Years, Governor's Staff Still Plays Dumb
American War Veteran's Petition To Governor Chris Christie
Chris Christie
Like Millions Of Other Vietnam Vets...
I Served With Jack Cunningham In Vietnam

This political Cover-UP is still happening in Chris Christie's New Jersey.  He has been looking the other way for YEARS...

This Is How One State Repays Veterans

Combat vet makes a plea to America.

Please call (And have your family and friends call) Governor Chris Christie's office at 609-292-6000 and say, "Jack Cunningham deserves his investigation request against Robert Correale and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland."

Please get others to call the NJ Governor's office

"A man good enough to shed his blood
for his country,
is good enough to receive a square deal afterwards . . ."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

The State of New Jersey Placed Every Road Block It Could In Order To Stop a Decorated Combat  PTSD Veteran From Bringing Some Justice To Some Corrupt Attorneys.

In the State of New Jersey, an attorney can simultaneously serve as a practicing law firm attorney, serve as a local assistant district attorney and serve as a member or officer of New Jersey's Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics. The influence around the State of New Jersey, one of these attorneys holds, is tremendous. Even the federal government looks the other way…

If one of these influential attorneys is also a friend of the New Jersey Governor: WOW
Robert D. Correale is one of these 'lucky' attorneys.

What happened, when Supreme Court Attorney Ethics official and local D.A. Robert Correale and his law firm, Maynard & Truland brought a former client to court for an open bill?  Since Robert Correale was serving on the New Jersey’s Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics, no New Jersey state attorney was willing to represent the former client without thousands of dollars in retainer fees.  The disabled PTSD veteran was forced to represent himself.  Robert D. Correale represented himself and his law firm, Maynard & Truland.  The former client supplied evidence of Maynard & Truland's own contract, their own invoices, court filed letters and court issued documents.  The former client also supplied federal Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) weekly medical records that documented everything in great detail.

The Superior Court judge, who heard the case, ruled that based on the evidence, Maynard & Truland's open bill case got thrown out. Their former client had a right to bring a Legal Malpractice case against Robert Correale and his law firm to the Superior Court Law Division for damages.

What happened then: The Superior Court transcript went missing in the courthouse, before it could be typed by the court clerk. (Only in New Jersey)  The former client brought the case to the Superior Court Law Division.  Again, no New Jersey state attorney was willing to represent the former client without thousands of dollars in retainer fees.  Again, the disabled PTSD veteran was forced to represent himself.  When the earlier Superior Court case transcript could not be supplied as additional evidence, the Law Division judge threw out the client's case for lack of merit.

The former client did not want to give up from bringing some justice to those involved.  He brought attorney ethics violations against Robert Correale and his law firm.  Since Robert Correale himself sat the local committee of New Jersey's Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics, it would be an all up hill battle. 

The State of New Jersey did not want to even charge one of their own Supreme Court ethics officials with the same violations that he had been judging hundreds of other state attorneys.  It would be a total embarrassment and loss of confidence starting in the state's Supreme Court.  It was about to get ugly...  state politicians had to circle their wagons together.  This PTSD veteran had to be stopped.  The representation of New Jersey was at stake.

The State of New Jersey claims nothing can be done for the missing court transcript. (It happens sometimes…)

After months of games, Robert Correale, along with some lawyers from his former law firm of Maynard & Truland of Morristown, were required to write sworn Certifications to the New Jersey Supreme Court.   These Certifications were filled with perjuries, vague, misleading and contradicting statements and they were backed up by no supporting evidence.  The former client supplied the law firm's own contact, invoices, court-filed letters, court-filed documents, etc to counter these lawyers' official certifications to the Supreme Court. 

For whatever reason, within two weeks of being accused of perjury by Jack Cuningham, Robert Correale resigned his Supreme Court Attorney Ethics position, 15 months before his term was scheduled to expire.  The former client was not notified by the State of New Jersey of Robert Correale's resignation, until 6 years later and was never supplied the reason.

The federal Department of Justice (DOJ) claims this is a state issue and must be handled by the State of New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie continues to look the other way…

Below is Robert D. Correale's webpage from the Maynard & Truland website.  Near the bottom of Correale's page states that Robert Correale was not only a member of the local NJ Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics, it states that he was the Vice-Chairman of the committee.  The Office of Attorney Ethics denies Robert Correale was ever the Vice-Chairman of his committee, yet they admit he was a member at the time.  Why Maynard & Truland advertised him as Vice-Chairman was never told. 

When this page was sent to the NJ Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics as evidence of him being Vice-Chairman, the Supreme Court office refused it as evidence, because the far right side of the page is cut off.  (Strange excuss)


When Correale's former client brought ethics violation charges against Correale and his Maynard & Truland firm, the director's assistant of the Office of Attorney Ethics insisted that Robert Correale's own committee review the charges.  It took the PTSD veteran months of writing letters to ALL levels of New Jersey government, before they finally admitted that there was a Conflict of Interest.  (It took a toll on the disabled veteran since he was fighting a lone and the battle exacerbated his PTSD.  Correale's former client wrote repeatedly to NJ government officials and politicians about these details, but he received no support.)

Edgar GouletThe (New Jersey) Courts and those who run them are the criminals and a fifth grader can see that. Veterans with PTSD have gone through hell and back for this Country and top priority and all the respect that goes along with it. This game will end someday soon, as you will all be judged by someone else other than yourselves. (Corrupt Politicians & Corrupt Lawyers)
Thomas A. RossGovernment corruption, which is quite obvious in this case, is the vilest form of governmental abuse of power. As a retired police officer, this case violates every tenet that I placed my life on the line for every day for in order to uphold our constitution. Shame on New Jersey. Your state's reputation precedes you, and this case confirms why.

This veteran has been battling for his Due Process from the State of New Jersey for 12 years now.  He wants to come home and return to his family.  But not until Justice comes to New Jersey...

Governor Chris Christie continues to look the other way.  Do you want this politician as your next president?  You will get the same old promises and results...

This site  The Web 

Clear and Open Cover-up Within Chris Christie's Government


Please call (And have your family and friends call) Governor Chris Christie's office at 609-292-6000 and say, "Jack Cunningham deserves his investigation request against Robert Correale and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland."

Evidence of New Jersey Governors and their staffs' Ten (10) year Cover-up.

Visit my brother's award winning vineyard in the Washington DC/Virginia area.  Tell them, Jack sent you.