A man good enough to shed his blood for his country...

Part 2 PTSD NUT OR HIGH-LEVEL COVERUP? Cunningham v. New Jersey
Vietnam vet alleges corruption, conflict of interest in New Jersey courts
EVIDENCE That The State Of New Jersey Knew Of The Facts Over 10 Years Ago
After Over Ten Years, Governor's Staff Still Plays Dumb
American War Veteran's Petition To Governor Chris Christie
Chris Christie
Like Millions Of Other Vietnam Vets...
I Served With Jack Cunningham In Vietnam

After Over Ten Years, Governor's Staff Still Plays Dumb

This Cover-Up
Is Still Going On In 2013

This web page tells a story of how a high level, New Jersey Supreme Court Attorney Robert Correale, used his official state influence to block legal malpractice and attorney ethics charges from himself and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland of Morris County.  A former client (and disabled Vietnam veteran) John "Jack" Cunningham brought these charges against Robert Correale and Maynard & Truland.  

At the time, Correale had been a member of the State Supreme Court's local Attorney Ethics committee for a couple of years.  Robert Correale and Maynard & Truland carried tremendous influence across the state and especially the two state counties, which were covered by Correale's Supreme Court Attorneys Ethics committee.

Robert Correale's and Maynard & Truland's former client, John "Jack" Cunningham had such compelling evidence against them that the New Jersey governor and NJ attorney general forwarded a letter that Cunningham had sent them directly to the state's Supreme Court.  (See the governor's and his attorney general's letters below.)

Over the years, Governor Chris Christie has been in office, after thousands of phone calls, letters and emails, Governor Christie and his staff continue to insist that they know nothing about John "Jack" Cunningham's request for an investigation on this New Jersey government Cover-Up.  How long could they play dumb...

Maybe, YOU can get Gov. Christie and his staff to stop their state government Cover-Up.

Please call (And have your family and friends call) Governor Chris Christie's office at 609-292-6000 and say, "Jack Cunningham deserves his investigation request against Robert Correale and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland."


At the time, the two above letters were being sent to the NJ Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics Director David Johnson, the Maynard & Truland's web page listed Robert Correale, as not only a member of the local Supreme Court Attorney Ethics committee, but the committee's Vice-Chairman.  (See below a copy of this web page.  The page was later taken off the internet.)


New Jersey Governor James McGreevey and his Attorney General office had each forwarded John "Jack" Cunningham's letter and supporting evidence to Robert Correale's boss, Director David Johnson.  (This should have been considered a major Conflict of Interest.)

Director David Johnson was to investigate attorney ethics charges against one of his own Supreme Court agency's active members (Vice-Chairman).  What would be the impact to his agency and the entire state, if these charges were valid...   At the time of these charges, Robert Correale was also serving in a number of state townships as a District Attorney.

It was a huge decision for Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics Director Johnson to make.  But he had 'an Ace in the Hole.'  John "Jack" Cunningham was a PTSD veteran.  Who in their right mind would believe a "fucked up Vietnam vet" over the word of a New Jersey Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics committee.

His decision was made...  Have Vice-Chairman Robert Correale's own attorney ethics committee
District X investigate Cunningham's charges.  If a problem developed, it would be easy to get around it. The word and influence of the New Jersey Supreme Court against an irrational Vietnam vet.

In spite of the Conflict of Interest, force John "Jack" Cunningham to deal entirely with Robert Correale's own District X Attorney Ethics committee.  Retain NONE of Cunningham's documentation in the main office of Attorney Ethics in Trenton.   Make it clear to everyone... 


The Cover-Up within the Government of the State of New Jersey is still going on in 2013.  In spite of the exacerbation of his military PTSD disability, John "Jack" Cunningham is still trying to bring Justice to Robert Correale, his former law firm, Maynard & Truland, and all those New Jersey officials and politicians, who have helped them in the ten (10) year Cover-Up.

In the meantime, the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) continues to look the other way, insisting that this is a New Jersey problem.  Not a federal Due Process or disability discrimination problem...

Clear and Open Cover-up Within Chris Christie's Government


Please call (And have your family and friends call) Governor Chris Christie's office at 609-292-6000 and say, "Jack Cunningham deserves his investigation request against Robert Correale and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland."

Evidence of New Jersey Governors and their staffs' Ten (10) year Cover-up.

Visit my brother's award winning vineyard in the Washington DC/Virginia area.  Tell them, Jack sent you.