Dear Fellow American,
All the political controversy about the War on Terror has left many of our soldiers around the world feeling like their
country is no longer behind them. We know that's not true.
Most of us civilians can only imagine what it must be like to spend months or even years far from home, somewhere roadside
bombs are just a fact of life, little things we take for granted like freshly baked cookies and snacks are treasured treats
and conditions are sometimes so primitive even a PX is a luxury.
At Treats for Troops we're proud to offer every caring American a practical, personal and easy way to show our soldiers that no matter what they
hear on the news, their sacrifices are appreciated. Their country is behind them. And they are not forgotten.
I thought you might enjoy reading this thank you note from a soldier who received an unexpected and very welcome package
from a sponsor through Treats for Troops:
His note is typical of the messages sponsors who send packages to soldiers through Treats for Troops receive - because
almost everyone writes to say he or she shared their package, no matter how big or small, with their fellow soldiers. No one
has to tell the men and women serving our country to share their treats. Sharing is a way of life for our troops.
To learn how you can send a soldier a package through Treats for Troops Foster-A-Soldier™ Program, click here.
To learn more about Treats for Troops' mission and find out why our soldiers need your support now more than ever, read
I'm a business woman from Denver. I'm also a former military wife, and have a son on active duty in the Air Force. I founded
Treats for Troops in 2003 after security concerns forced the government to suspend popular support programs that allowed citizens
who didn't know anyone in the military to send a care package to "Any Soldier."
I know firsthand what a difference a package from home makes in a soldier's life. I also believed that if I worked hard
enough, I could find a secure way to keep the spirit of the "Any Soldier" program alive. We patriotic Americans have
a long and proud history of rallying behind our troops. I wasn't about to let the Unibomber or terrorists take that right
away from us.
I launched Treats for Troops at in June of 2003, after nearly a year of research and planning. Our unique Foster-A-Soldier™ Program provides a simple,
secure way for any caring American to send a package to an American soldier anywhere in the world with a few clicks of the
We've been featured on national television, including Neal Cavuto's My World, on radio and in newspapers across
the country, and were recently recommended by Family Circle magazine. American troops all over the world are a tightly
knit family; as word has spread about the high quality and little touches that go into packages from Treats for Troops, thousands
of new soldiers have registered with our Foster-A-Soldier Program.
And that's why I'm writing you now.

You see, after the holidays the number of people sending packages naturally dropped off. But the number of soldiers registering
keeps climbing. So now there are thousands of soldiers who have registered since the holidays who are still waiting
to receive a care package from home.
Christmas is many months away. And our mission is to provide a source of year round support for our men
and women in uniform, because there's no season for putting a smile on a soldier's face. It only takes a few minutes to visit
our Gift Shops, select a soldier and send a package. Those few minutes can make a real difference in a soldier's life.
Here's a typical thank you note someone who sent a package to a soldier recently received:
Dear David Baird:
Thank you so much for the package. The items were absolutely wonderful and were shared by everyone in my section. It
is so nice to get packages while we are deployed and I can't tell you how happy my section and I were to get so much stuff. Thank
you again and have a safe and happy holiday season.
CPT Todd McNiesh Baghdad, Iraq |
How Treats for Troops Works
Our Gift Shops are filled with items we know soldiers want and need. In Gifts to Go you'll find packages that start at just $19.95. If you're not sure what to send, the Treats for Troops Top Ten is a great,
because it features all ten of our most popular treats, including home-style freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, hand and
face wipes and one of the most popular gifts of all, an AT&T phone card.
If you'd prefer to put together your own custom package, just visit the shops on Market Street, where you can choose from hundreds of items soldiers want and need, from fudge to flashlights.
We even have a program that lets you send a Happy Birthday package to a soldier having a birthday in the next 30 - 60 days.



Happy Birthday $24.95 |
TFT Top Ten $49.95 |
Snack Attack $19.95
To visit the Treats for Troops Gift Shops, click here.
That's all there is to it: choose your soldier, or let us choose one for you, go shopping, create a personal message to
go with your gift if you choose, and we do the rest. It only takes a few minutes to Foster-A-Soldier, send a package, and make a soldier smile.
Every package is carefully packed in our secure fulfillment center, the proper paperwork is completed, and then the package
is shipped according to all USPS and military regulations.
We include a thank you note the soldier can complete and return in every package, as well as registration cards so soldiers
can encourage their friends to register.
For security reasons, thank you notes and e-mails come back to Treats for Troops; the note or message is then forwarded
to the person who sent the package. Imagine opening up your mail one day and reading this:
Dear Dave & Barb Wilson:
Just a quick note to say how much I truly appreciate the wonderful care package you sent. It means the world to
us over here to know that there are people who care so much back home and appreciate what we are doing over here. Take
care and may God bless you all as you continue this wonderful service to those of us in uniform.
With sincere appreciation, Chaplain William Stewart Battalion Chaplain, NMCB-22 |
How the Foster-A-Soldier™ Program Works
Soldiers register themselves, or are registered by family members, so everyone in our Foster-A-Soldier™ Program is hoping to receive a package from home. You can choose a soldier to sponsor by gender, branch of service
of home state. Or you can let the program choose the soldier who's been waiting the longest to receive a package from home.
If your company, group or organization would like to sponsor several soldiers, we have personal shoppers who will do all
the work for you. All you have to do is contact, talk about your budget and objectives, and we'll do the rest.
We even have several units who've been registered by their commanding officers. Some of these men and women are on their
second or even third tour of duty. Group sizes range from as few as six soldiers to nearly 500. If you're interested in supporting
any size unit, send an e-mail to Big thanks to Bingham
McCutchen LLP, a law firm from Boston, MA, for sending out enough packages to put big smiles on the faces of the 350 servicemen
and women in United States Airforce 455 AEW
Dear Bingham McCutchen,
Received ALL the packages and delivered a goody bag to everyone at our camp. To say the least there were a lot
of smiles that day. I can't express in words how much impact your generosity had on the folks over here. Thank you
so much for all the effort involved in putting all those bags together. It's folks like you that make our stay over here a
little more bearable. Because of you our Christmas was a little merrier.
Best wishes, your servant, Don. |
Companies who are proud of our soldiers and would like to help us make sure packages are going out all year long can also
be part of our customized Corporate Sponsor Program. For more information, send an e-mail to
Treats for Troops recognized for efforts
We're proud of the many commendations, certificates of appreciation, endorsements and links we've received from Congressmen
and women, the government, the military and the media.
We are proud to be featured in the military museum. SSG Noreen Feeney, the Commander of the 49th Military History unit
says "care packages from the States are a really significant part of a soldier's morale. My job is to collect artifacts and
information I think will be important fifty years from now. I think Treats for Troops will be an important part of military
We're even more proud of the fact that through Treats for Troops, caring Americans have been able to put of smiles on the
faces of many thousands of soldiers.
A word about security. Our top-secret database is maintained on a highly secure server with multiple firewalls.
No one has access to the database except for TFT employees who have clearance. No contact information for soldiers or the
people who send packages is ever given out. And we don't accept donated goods except occasionally from our Corporate Sponsors;
everything we offer in our Gift Shops is purchased directly from the manufacturer or a reliable wholesaler or distributor.
Visit Treats for Troops Now. Won't you take a few minutes to visit and consider sending a soldier a package through our Foster-A-Soldier™ Program? If you let the system choose for you,
you'll be sure your package is going to the soldier who has been waiting the longest to receive a package.
On behalf of all the men and women serving our country all over the world,
Thank you.
Deborah Crane
P.S. Please forward this to anyone else you think might be interested in sending care packages to our troops,
or anyone with friends or family in the military who would like to register their loved one. |

Here's a small sampling of the thank you notes and e-mails soldiers have sent their sponsors through Treats for Troops:
Dear Debbie Crowe:
Thank you so much for the package you sent me. Today was becoming a very long day and when the USPS box
arrived I thought it was going to be more work to do. I opened the box with several other soldiers and it quickly brightened
our day. I shared the cookies and snacks with my friends and we all appreciated your gifts to us. It is a good feeling
to know that our fellow Americans care about us and what we do.
Thanks again, Justin
Awesome Cookies
I wanted to thank you for the package. It was great. Those were some awesome cookies. I said were
because I swallowed them up pretty quick. You really put a smile on my face. It is very encouraging to know that
you care about us and support us. Thank you for everything. The phone card is awesome. I know my mom and
dad will love hearing from me more. You are great. I appreciate it soo much.
A1C Kenneth Houwers Kirkuk Iraq Air Traffic Controller RE: 33989
We'll Be There for You
Dear Michelle Griffith:
I received my care package in the mail today and I was delighted when I opened it. It was filled with delicious treats
and some really nice gifts. I would like to say thank you. It brightened up my day and reminded me that the people in the
US stand behind us and support us in our mission. You will always be there for us and we'll be there for you!
Thanks again, SFC Patricia Keller US Army

"Your care package is greatly appreciated, especially now I was wounded this week by a roadside bomb and am recovering
so I can get back out there to find who placed the device I never wanted a Purple Heart but at least I am still here. Again,
thank you for your generosity and support."
SSG David TF1-68 Armor

"I am in command of a unit in Iraq, and often work in our post office here. I see many of the packages you send to soldiers
in need. I know my soldiers are very appreciative and thankful for the treats and what you do. Your organization is wonderful
and uplifting. The support you show for the military is refreshing and welcomed.
CPT Rob Barnhill
You Make a Difference
Dear Roder Russo:
I would just like to thank you for the very thoughtful gifts that I received yesterday (21 Dec 05). The snack
food is great to have, and is a break from what we have or can get here. The Christmas tree brightened up my office and
the phone cards will help me stay in contact with home. I just want you to know that you made a difference in my and
several other service members holidays. We appreciate your sentiments and taking the time to spend your money and send
the gifts. We know that you did not have to do this. Take care and have a Happy Holidays!
Thanks again, Shawn

Dear Babs Conley:
Your packaged arrived today! What a great treat and welcomed piece of home. Thanks very much for thinking of us during
the holiday season. I have about 467 Marines here with me and will be sharing some of the items with them. Your generosity
means a great deal and I want to thank you for your support. I hope that you have a great holiday season and a prosperous
new year. I am enjoying some the mixed nuts already. Thanks again.
Semper Fidelis Mike Sweeney

Soldier from Miami Says Thanks
Dear Mark Woods:
I would really like to thank you for all the support you give. It is very hard in Iraq being away from family so long.
I am 24 years old and from Miami FL. Again Thanks for the support. We, the soldiers defending our country and our way of life,
love it!!
SPC Noel

Almost Home
Dear Michael Traynor:
Thank you Michael from IN, for the package, it really brightened my day. It's a good feeling to know that individuals like
yourself take time out of your busy schedule to show appreciation for the troops. It's been a long and enduring deployment
for me over the last 17 months. I will finally get to be with my family in the near future. Your kindness will never be forgotten.
Once again thanks, and may God continue to bless you and your family.
Package Helps Maintain Marine Morale
Dear Craig Wilder:
The Marines here at Communication/Electronics Maintenance Platoon would like to thank you for your support. I just
want say thanks for taking time to support us, when we receive these packages it just helps show that there are people that
care and helps keep the morale up on our side.
Thanks for the support, PFC Nickolas Busby

A Happy Birthday Thanks
Dear Richard Johnson:
Thank you very much for my birthday care package. It made my day. I'll be here for my birthday, but my team and I are proud
to be here for you and the rest of the U.S.A. I'm also from the Great State of New Jersey. Again thank you for your care package.
SSG Chris Hof

Dear Erik Pedersen: A simple thanks is not enough to express our joy and
gratitude for the TFT gift package.
Jerry's Nut assortments are the perfect idea for my Marines and I to snack on throughout
the day. And the Spoon Lovin' Fudge is a perfect treat to top it off.
Thank you again from all of us here in Iraq!!!
Thanks again, Jarrod
A Hurricane Katrina ThanksDear Jim and Marilda Holcomb: I wanted to thank you for the wonderful
gift. I just returned from Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts in New Orleans. It's great to be back at home for a few weeks.
I recently accepted orders to a Seabee Unit here in Little Creek, VA but won't transfer until June of next year. Your support
of the troops is greatly appreciated and means a lot to all of us. Take care and God Bless you and your family.

It just feels goodHello folks, just read your article on the guys of Hawk Troop and would like to send them a
package and some support from back home...I would say a great many Americans want to do something for our troops and soldiers
away from home but had no way of doing so. I feel genuinely lucky that I stumbled upon your website and have since sent packages
to two soldiers. It feels good to be able to do a little something for them; I bet if more people knew about this you would
indeed meet your goal of having every soldier in the Foster-a-Soldier program. I had naively assumed that each soldier probably
receives dozens of packages but decided I wanted to send something anyway; I was shocked to learn that some soldiers had yet
to receive even one package!! That's just unacceptable. I, and every one I can spread the word to will do whatever we can
to give our troops the support they need and deserve from us all. Thanks again for everything you're doing.
Sincerely, William C. Little
