John Kerry Sells Out Israel, Just Like
John Kerry Sold Out All Vietnam VeteransThe 'King of Fake News' and 'News Diversion' suggests Israel's spawning 'terrorism'
Able To Kill The Reputation Of A Whole Generation Of America's Honorable And
Proud Veterans With Fake News. Details below.
As John Kerry Was Telling The World, And The American Press That
America's Vietnam Vets Were All Baby-Killers And Village-Burners, The Vietnamese Duc Duc Refugee Village Was Burned
And Babies Were Killed By Communist Terrorists. READ THE DUC DUC MASSARCE
HOPES PRESIDENT TRUMP HEARS ABOUT THIS... This is an act by the State of New Jersey Supreme and Superior Courts to deceive, an act of fraud,
an act to manipulate due process of an American combat veteran. Statute of limitations issue is bogus here… fraud
has no limitation in federal court, and Statute of limitations runs from the time the fraud is found…
Read Faye Higbee's story 'Vietnam
Veterans - The Spirit Lives On'
'The Peace Corps Volunteers With Rifles'
John "Jack" Cunningham, Rosedale,
NYC, Sussex, NJ, (grenade on chest) back row, second on right, in the above picture. Picture taken near Dai Loc, Vietnam
in November, 1970. These Americans were CAP 2-2-2 of the Marine Corps' Combined Action Program (CAP).
Learn about the current 15 year crusade, John
"Jack" Cunningham (above picture) has been battling to bring justice to some corrupt government officials.
Jack learned well from the American military at 18 - 19 years old never to give up to evil. (Details Below)
U.S. Marine Corps' PTSD Veteran Died Doing The Hardest Thing Marine Vets Do...
Another PTSD Marine Veteran would do it all again
for the American People. Living in a peasant-farming village of 2,000 families (24/7)
at the age of nineteen, with between 4 to 12 other Americans, was extremely intense. At
any second, anything could happen from a terrorist grenade to a large scale attack. But at the
same time, it was extremely interesting and many times rewarding. Boredom was never a problem, both in body and
did everything from putting bandaids on hurt fingers, fixing a blown bridge, blowing up
terrorist bobby traps and dud 500 pound bombs, to daily exhausting patrols and nightly
ambushes. When you came home you are asked how many babies did you have to kill. Did you
ever have to burn your village? You
couldn't wear your uniform, unless you risked trouble from Left-Leaning jerks... You learned fast not to
talk about what happened. Some vets totally survived, while others developed PTSD. I ended up with the PTSD... I'm not ashamed
of having it. Under the label (stigma) of PTSD, I have been called
a cry-baby, liar, whinner, government system-milker, fucked up Vietnam vet, the list of
childish names go on. I was even mocked in sworn, New Jersey Supreme Court Certifications
for my PTSD disability by a high level NJ Attorney Ethics official. Vietnam vets know
what we did during our war. Childish names are exactly what they are, 'childish names.' The more crap
they have thrown at Vietnam vets has only made us stronger as brothers and as individuals. We didn't need a safe, quiet place back
in the 60s and 70s and we especially don't need one now to use. I'd
do it all again for the American People. John
"Jack" Cunningham
take back our legal system.
A combat, decorated veteran reaches out for some verbal support on a New Jersey State corruption issue and instead is hatefully
mocked for his PTSD disability. Read the comments on this link. Thanks to Veterans Affairs (VA) therapy, the hateful PTSD insult rolls off
the vet's back. But if the insult was directed at a PTSD vet, who is just learning how to deal with his or her disability,
a simple hateful insult like that could drive the vet over the edge...
New Jersey Ethics Attorneys Are As Corrupt
As Some Of The Attorneys They Investigate (Details
Another New Jersey State SHAM ON VETERANS Constitutional Attorney Statement: New Jersey State act to deceive, an act of government fraud,
an act to manipulate due process of a PTSD Disabled Veteran. Statute of limitations issue here is bogus… fraud
has no limitation in federal court. New Jersey State task force set up to study
PTSD vet treatment in state courts refuse to investigate why a NJ PTSD vet was mocked for his disability in New Jersey State
Supreme Court documents. How a NJ Superior Court legal malpractice transcript against a NJ Supreme Court ethics
attorney went missing before this same PTSD vet could use it in court? How this same NJ Supreme Court ethics attorney
was allowed to commit open perjury in sworn NJ Supreme Court certifications? Details and evidence at: But 22,000 national petition signers see this New Jersey court cover up and support
this decorated combat vet.
How another state's Courts treat
a PTSD veteran plaintiff, who tries to be heard...Determined Vietnam Marine veteran
Superior Court plaintiff John "Jack" Cunningham WINS, when forced to represent himself against a corrupt, high level,
state Supreme Court ethics attorney Robert Correale (legal malpractice defendant). Superior Court judge determined that the Vietnam veteran's charges warranted the
Superior Court Law Division for damages. However, the judge's audio court transcript went missing,
before the important document could be typed as evidence. The law division charges against the state's Supreme Court
ethics attorney then got thrown out of court for lack of merit. For
13 years, the state still refuses to investigate the decorated, combat vet's charges of a cover-up. The veteran's
has near 26,000 overall supporters and near 22,000 petition signers, but the state still refuses to even acknowledge the vet's

Jack Cunningham's case is interesting.
of limitations issue is bogus… fraud has no limitation
in federal court, and Statute of limitations runs from the time the fraud is found… It
is an act to deceive, an act of fraud,
an act to manipulate due process, - sanctions should be implemented – One of many cases
spell this out… Referring both to the objective and subjective elements, we have held that
qualified immunity would be defeated if an official "knew
or reasonably should have known that the action he took within
his sphere of official responsibility would violate the constitutional rights of the [plaintiff],
or if he took the action with the malicious intention to cause
a deprivation of constitutional rights or other injury." Harlow et al v. Fitzgerald,
457 U.S. 800; 102 S. Ct. 2727; 73 L. Ed. 2d 396; (1982). (Emphasis added)
File a civil suit in the United States District
Court for the District of New Jersey (federal court) - file
this Civil Complaint under U.S.C. 28 §1331, federal question, civil actions arising under
the Constitution, under U.S.C. 42 §1983, a civil action for deprivation of rights, and U.S.C.
42 §1985 a civil action for Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights against all Defendant’s
you can list (growing list below)… you can do it pro se and file an application
to proceed indigent… all documents are on the District of New Jersey (federal court)’s
web site…
State courts have concurring jurisdiction over this type
of civil suit, it can be filed in state
court BUT Federal Courts are more easygoing with Pro Se writings, minor errors
in format and rules etc… And if a state attorney represented anyone, the challenge here
would be if he was authorized to do so… i.e. an application filed for their service, defendant
within the scope of employment… etc… if not..
it was fraud… Check out the principles
of the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine… first Amendment Rights… you may have further
elements to build your case…
Void Judgments, move to vacate previous judgments for harmful errors, constitutional
violations, fraud… etc… all forms and docs you need are on the court web sites.
Jack Cunningham, webmaster (front, far
right) in Vietnam in 1970
Vietnam veteran still seeks justice from
New Jersey courts after 15 yearsStory by Joe Newby
On Saturday, John "Jack"
Cunningham, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps who served
in Vietnam, told that he is still seeking justice in a case against the New Jersey
state Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics. We first told Cunningham's story back in June 2014 and, he said, the battle continues. Now, he said he is
being forced to deal with the situation in federal court. The current case stems from a 2000 divorce. At the time, Cunningham
said he was concerned the court would use his PTSD against him, so he hired a law firm to represent him. Even
though he paid his retainer, Cunningham said the firm never returned his calls and letters
and the attorney, Robert D. Correale, came to court unprepared to argue his case, he added. Nevertheless, the firm sued
him two years later for $2,000 they claimed he owed them. Cunningham filed a counter-suit, and the case went
to arbitration where, he added, nothing was resolved. Other irregularities cropped up, like missing statements from
the court transcript. He reached out to a variety of state lawmakers, including former
Govs. Richard Codey and Jon Corzine. He posted a 2009 letter written on his behalf by state Sen. Steven Oroho, noting
that his first attempt to get information went unanswered. He also reached out to Chris Christie, the current governor and
GOP presidential candidate. Again, he heard nothing. Ultimately, his case was tossed
thanks in part to the missing portions of the transcript. But
Cunningham didn't let it go and is now bringing the state Supreme Court Office of Attorney
Ethics to court for fraud and deception. The 65-year-old veteran says the case is taking a major toll on him physically
and emotionally. Now he says he might be "forced to get one of those donation collection
sites" to help his cause. The "big thing" now, he added, is to get "reasonable
court accommodations" for PTSD from the federal court in an effort to keep his case
from being swept under the rug. Cunningham has
also set up a petition at demanding due process and asking Christie to call for an
investigation of Correale. The petition now has over 21,000 signatures. "I believe that if there was an acknowledgment on the part
of Correale, et al, of wrongdoing, negligence and use of undue influence in an effort to
make him go away, he would do just that – go away," Suzanne Olden wrote at Clash Daily earlier this year. "Maybe a public statement along
the lines of 'We mishandled his case badly and in an effort to avoid liability behaved
badly and we apologize' would appease Cunningham. Then again, maybe not since it appears
that several administrations have appeared to collude in this cover up. But sometimes
publicly saying 'I screwed up and I apologize' is all it takes." READ THE WHOLE STORY AT:
