the real chris christie

America's most overrated governor
Americans really want me...
Chris Christie suffers another setback
This case proves that some lawyers are above the laws
Chris Christie On Illegal Immigration
If Chris Christie ordered You to 'sit down and shut up'
Chris Christie may have already snuffed out presidential chances
Jersey Politics
Chris Christie Is Running
Christie Rewards Veteran By Refusing To Answer His Letters
Chris Christie is ripped for his disloyalty
State Supreme Court Guilty Of Obstructing Justice
Veteran Alleges Cover-Up
Chris Christie Still Denies Veteran His Justice
Dear Congressman Darrell Issa,
State Supreme Court Attorney Resigns After PTSD Disabled Vet Accuses Him Of Perjury
A classic cover-up of a cover-up
Modern Day Court System David vs Goliath
Chris Christie pretends that he just doesn't see
Yes, an' how many times must Chris Christie turn his head
Give this war veteran (plaintiff) his due process against some corrupt lawyers.
Disabled Veteran Fights Back
Chris Christie sets up his own investigation on himself. He is cleared of ALL Charges
Should There Be Statute of Limitations On Government Abuse Of Power Crimes
What Did State Politicians And State Officials Know; And When Did They Knew It
Theft of a PTSD Disabled Vet's constitutional rights and due process, under the law, by deception.
Every Citizen Loses In Government Corruption
Chris Christie knew about the closures as they happened
Chris Christie still denies vet's due rights as plaintiff against his corrupt state lawyer friend
Final petition
Christie refuses to answer a Marine's letters for 6 years
Bully Chris Christie denies to answer a disabled veteran's letters for 6 years.
You Decide: A Political Party Savior Or Political Egoistic Bully
Chris Christie's office involved in expanding ethics controversial
There Are More Voters Getting Free Stuff
Democrat Election Logic For 2014
Chris Christie signed New Jersey's version of the illegal alien 'Dream Act'
The Christie Backlash
Chris Christie's loyalty is questioned
Chris Christie Calls Himself a Conservative
ChrisChristie's focus remains on mental-health issues
Chris Christie's Challenge
Chris Christie's advice: Follow my lead and 'Get the job done'

Dear Congressman Darrell Issa,

 Dear Congressman Darrell Issa,

I know you and your committee are extremely busy. As far as my opinion goes, Justice in America begins and ends in your committee. It's a disgrace, but thank God we have at least your committee. And I thank you, and everyone one of your honest members of Congress who are members of it. (You are heroes and true, American patriots...)

I know a little about real heroes and true, American patriots, since I'm an extremely proud Vietnam veteran, who lived and served (24/7) in a Vietnamese peasant village. I'm honored to have served in the Marine Corps' Combined Action Program (CAP) . Everyday, I witnessed honor and bravery.

Although it was an honor, it was also pretty stressful, since we were always under threat of being wiped out. A team of 8 to 12 Americans living in a village, regardless of their abilities, can only go so far against large enemy attacks. Combat was heavy. I was wounded from shrapnel in three different combat actions and received a Purple Heart for one of them. I still suffer from chest and rib cage pain from the concussion impact of a rocket propelled grenade (RPG).

Twenty-nine years after leaving, my two different peasant-farming villages, I was diagnosed as 100% disabled with PTSD. You can read some of my experiences of living in my villages at the link I already posted. Prior to going out on disability, I worked 19 years in data processing, having worked through the ranks from a clerk on a programming team on up to project manager with a staff of 17 on the same team. Back in 1988, when I received my last raise, I was making $63,000 a year.

The real reason why I'm writing to you has to do with PTSD. The VA, Congress and especially American taxpayers pay billions of dollars a year to care and treat PTSD disabled vets. I appreciate all the care and treatment that I have received over the years. It saved my life... What I'm upset about is the unnecessary harassment and discrimination that exacerbates veterans PTSD disability. Americans always hear about the discrimination and harassment cases of sex, race, the physically disabled. But we never hear about discrimination and harassment cases of the PTSD disabled. I bet the Department of Justice has never attempted to try a case like this. Please read through my internet links and find out how the State of New Jersey actually used my PTSD disability to help cover up corruption in their Supreme and Superior Court systems.

The federal Department of Justice (DOJ) calls this a New Jersey State issue and New Jersey State refuses to address or even acknowledge the issue. This has been going on for more than a decade and it does take a toll on me. Years ago, I pledged that I would do what I could to make sure justice comes to these corrupt government officials and that this never happens to another PTSD vet.

I have a petition on this issue to Governor Chris Christie and honorable New Jersey politicians that is nearing 11,000 signatures, but they continue to be blind to their state cover-up.

I also have a petition to you that was recently started, which has near 1,000 signatures.

I'm actually begging you to please review everything what I'm stating in this letter. I admit I'm obsessed with bringing these corrupt government officials to justice. This should never happened to another PTSD vet and/or a average citizen.

Thank You And God Bless Your Committee
John "Jack" Cunningham


When it comes to government corruption, every citizen loses.

Government corruption, which is quite obvious in this case, is the vilest form of governmental abuse of power. As a retired police officer, this case violates every tenet that I placed my life on the line for every day, in order to uphold our constitution. Shame on New Jersey. Your state government's reputation precedes you, and this case confirms why.      Thomas Rossi

Please press HERE to Sign the petition to Chris Christie.  Already near 19,000 have signed 



 Vietnam vet alleges corruption, conflict of interest in New Jersey courts

He has clear evidence that this corruption starts in New Jersey's Supreme Court.  (Chris Christie still remains' silent.)



 Jack Cunningham's case is interesting, I have run into certain things in NJ courts myself…

Statute of limitations issue is bogus… fraud has no limitation in federal court, and Statute of limitations runs from the time the fraud is found… It is an act to deceive, an act of fraud, an act to manipulate due process, - sanctions should be implemented – One of many cases spell this out… Referring both to the objective and subjective elements, we have held that qualified immunity would be defeated if an official "knew or reasonably should have known that the action he took within his sphere of official responsibility would violate the constitutional rights of the [plaintiff], or if he took the action with the malicious intention to cause a deprivation of constitutional rights or other injury." Harlow et al v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800; 102 S. Ct. 2727; 73 L. Ed. 2d 396; (1982). (Emphasis added)

File a civil suit in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey (federal court) - file this Civil Complaint under U.S.C. 28 §1331, federal question, civil actions arising under the Constitution, under U.S.C. 42 §1983, a civil action for deprivation of rights, and U.S.C. 42 §1985 a civil action for Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights against all Defendant’s you can list (growing list below)… you can do it pro se and file an application to proceed indigent… all documents are on the District of New Jersey (federal court)’s web site…  

State courts have concurring jurisdiction over this type of civil suit, it can be filed in state court BUT Federal Courts are more easygoing with Pro Se writings, minor errors in format and rules etc… And if a state attorney represented anyone, the challenge here would be if he was authorized to do so… i.e. an application filed for their service, defendant within the scope of employment… etc… if not.. it was fraud…

Check out the principles of the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine… first Amendment Rights… you may have further elements to build your case…

Void Judgments, move to vacate previous judgments for harmful errors, constitutional violations, fraud… etc… all forms and docs you need are on the court web sites.


Help bring this to Justice.  

More details at:



Would be Defendants (Adding to this list)
Jane Schmidt, CSR
John McGill, III, Esq.

Joe B. Truland, Jr., Esq.

James H. Maynard, Esq.

Edward P. Busichio, Esq.

Brian W. Banasiak, Esq.

Robert D. Correale, Esq.

Bonnie C.  Frost, Esq. 

Robert L. Stober, Esq.

Janet BrownLee Miller, Statewide Coordinator 

David E. Johnson, Jr., Esq. 

Regina M. Garb
Timothy L. Barnes, Esq. 
William A. Krais, Esq. 
M. Sheilah O'Halloran


 Chris Christie sits on his own Veteran scandal, hoping it blows away.   Press HERE for details
