Stop Abuse Of Political Power

The Uncurious Patron Saint of Soulless Hacks
how much history you really know
Want to know something scary
The following is incredible
Taught by the American Military to never give up...
'We the People' will take back America's Courts
HEAR Mark Levin - Obama's Civilian Army
Obama's Civilian National Security Force
OBAMA VIDEO: Civilian National Security Force
Obama: The Affirmative Action President
Help stop government abuse of power and corruption
Digging into Chris Christie's record
Digging into the New Jersey governors record
Romney Feared Chris Christie's Baggage
how many times Obama said it
Another Obama Scandal ObamaCare NO BID $678 Million Website
Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate's company built ObamaCare NOBID $678 million website
Military Academy may drop the phrase SO HELP ME GOD
Fire Obama's Brown Shirt Director Of National Park Service
National Park Service Director Defends Why He Barricaded Veterans Memorials
Politicians' Hand Messages
I (We) Stand With Ted Cruz Against ObamaCare
Hillary Clinton's probe damaged by conflicts of interest.
EQUAL JUSTICE Is Now A Joke In America
America's Legal System Is Now A Sham
Great Example Our Legal System Is A SHAM
This Is Not The Government I Bled For And My Friends Died For
Government Control Is Going To Far
Help Stop This Disgraceful Abuse Of Our Constitution
Help Stop This Disgraceful Abuse Of Political Power
Death Wishes Against Dana Perino Over Pledge of Allegiance
State's highest court may ban the Pledge of Allegiance in state public schools
Your government thanks you
Should IRS Official Lois Lerner still have her IRS job and FULL pay?
Yes, she did nothing wrong.
No, she should be fired and jailed in federal prison
Other/Not Sure
She should be fired
Where do YOU side...
Why is Chris Christie Protecting This Man
Page Is Under Constitution

Death Wishes Against Dana Perino Over Pledge of Allegiance

 When it comes to government corruption, every citizen loses.

Government corruption, which is quite obvious in this case, is the vilest form of governmental abuse of power. As a retired police officer, this case violates every tenet that I placed my life on the line for every day, in order to uphold our constitution. Shame on New Jersey. Your state government's reputation precedes you, and this case confirms why.      Thomas Rossi

Please press HERE to Sign the petition to Chris Christie.  Already near 18,000 have signed 



Take the Pledge and SHARE.  We have over 180,000 total supporters.   Over  1,000 people pledged in 1 day. 

Are You Tired Yet Of Government Lies, Abuse Of Power
And Corruption?

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