Corrupt Law Firm Still Being Protected By State Government After 8 Years
A state Supreme Court ethics official
Robert Correale misuses his government and court office to Cover-Up and block ethics violations and legal malpractice charges
against his own law firm, Maynard & Truland. After eight years, the Cover-Up leads all the way up to the Governor's
Office, Attorney General's Office and the state's Supreme Court and Superior Court and now, possibly the New Jersey State
Disabled Veteran Battles Corrupt And Powerful Law Firm
On Friday afternoon (Dec 12, 2008), Congressman
Jim Saxton's Mount Holly, NJ staff placed a call to my Congressman Scott Garrett's office. Ms. Tatiana Marquis (201-712-0330)
stated that a letter was sent to NJ State Senator Steven Oroho and NJ Assemblywoman Alison Littell-McHose. At
this time, I do not know what was in the letter.
I'm extremely thankful to Congressman Saxton's Mount Holly, NJ's staff for getting in touch with Congressman Garrett's staff
for an update. Congressman Saxton's staff member also highlighted the key to resolving my charges of a New Jersey State
Government corruption cover-up must come from NJ Senator Oroho and NJ Assemblywoman Littell-McHose.
As of this
time, my two New Jersey State Legislators still have not returned any communications to thirty + year Marine Corps veteran,
Colonel John Bates, retired. (Read the colonel's most recent comments below.)
Still not getting through to them directly,
so I just sent the message below through their webpage "Contact Us" link. I hope to hear from them and if so, I obviously
will get back to you immediately.
Dear Senator Oroho and Assemblywoman Littell-McHose,
I'm writing on behalf of John "Jack" Cunningham.
I've tried to contact both of you directly by phone, but have failed to reach you directly, and my calls have not been returned
by you or your staff.
My concern, in short, is that Jack Cunningham
gave honorable service to his Country and Corps and deserves to be heard regarding his allegations of corruption in his home
state of New Jersey. I believe his charges have merit. I also believe that you, as his sworn, legal representatives
are duty bound by both law and ethics to hear him out.
By now, (eight years), I know that you
have his contact information and are familiar with his case. I ask you to please not just "forward this on" to yet another
layer of bureaucracy, but take the immediate action necessary to take corrective action and close this case openly and legally.
Thank you in advance for your time, interest
and action.
Semper Fidelis,
John R. Bates
Theft of an honorably discharged
veteran's constitutional rights and due process under the law, by deception.
of Justice
A criminal offense that involves interference,
through words or actions, with the proper operations of a court or officers of the court.
10, 2008
John (Jack) Cunningham,
my father, is a Vietnam Veteran, who is 100% disabled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), based on the Federal Department
of Veteran Affairs (VA) guidelines. He is a respectful, loving, and caring man who would do anything for anyone- yet
he does not receive the same consideration.
am writing this letter to you now in hopes that someone will stop “forwarding”
the letters that he sends and actually do something about the unfair treatment of my father. It has been an eight year,
life altering, battle trying to get his Due Process from the State of New Jersey regarding the charges of corruption,
Cover-Up and Conflict of Interest within the New Jersey Governor’s Office, NJ Attorney General’s Office and New
Jersey Office of Attorney Ethics. He has sent countless letters dating back to 2003 to Senators, Governors, Attorney
Generals, etc. - but to no avail. Those who have answered allege that they have “forwarded the letter” to
the appropriate people. The State of New Jersey is more interested in avoiding
defacement to its public, professional and national image then to comply
with a disabled veteran’s civil right to due process. At the
center of this are the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Ethics and one of their Vice-Chairman, Robert Correale.
Robert Correale committed a number of ethics violations as well as openly committing perjury to the NJ Supreme Court, as well
as false billing and overcharging. Important court documents have even gone missing! He can do this because
he thinks he is above the law in the State of New Jersey and so far no one has proven otherwise. No one should be above
the law especially if they have spoiled the life of a man and those closest to him!!
people are apprehensive about saying or doing something about this situation since it is in regards to charges brought against
“important” people…if only they could see what it has done to my father, his family, and his friends.
What if this was a member of your family? What if someone you love was hurt and treated so unfairly, and though someone
can do something about it, no one wants to or maybe they’re just too busy?
(Jack) Cunningham has more than enough evidence and facts to support himself
in this case – he just needs one person to get him in there and realize how unfair this really is. It has been
8 years. I am hoping that there is someone out there that will stand up for what is
right and help give what has long been deserved –
has to be at least one decent, understanding politician out there, right? Please be that one!
Please visit his website for more information:
Shannon B. Cunningham
make a brief phone call to my State Senator Steve Oroho and
my Assemblywoman Alison Littell-McHose. One call will handle both, since they are at the same phone number (973-300-0200).
Please ask, why they do not return Colonel John Bates' (retired, 30 + years Marine Corps veteran) phone calls concerning
Jack Cunningham's charges of New Jersey's government corruption and cover-up. And please ask who will
be investigating the missing Superior Court transcript on the charges against Robert Correale's legal malpractice.
ask others to call.
Jersey Legislature
4, 2008
Senator Steven V. Oroho
Assemblywoman Alison Littell-McHose aswmchose@njleg.org
Assemblyman Gary R. Chiusano asmchiusano@njleg.org
C: Honorable Congressman Scott Garrett
Governor Jon
New Jersey Office of Attorney
Americans Working Together
Senator Oroho and Assemblywoman Littell-McHose:
Thank you very
much for your return letter (below) regarding my charges of corruption, Cover-Up and a Conflict of Interest within the New
Jersey Governor’s Office, NJ Attorney General’s Office and New Jersey Office of Attorney
Ethics. My family, my supporters and I greatly appreciate your interest.
Please beware that during this eight
year battle of trying to get my Due Process from the State of New Jersey, my letters have been sent to no avail to
the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office dating back to January 2003. (Please
see Ms. Regina Garb’s letter from Feb. 18, 2003)
The only procedure the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office
(Ms. Regina M. Garb) follows is to forward my letters to the heart of the Cover-Up, back into the New Jersey Office of Attorney
Ethics. There they play their usual Cover-Up games by insisting that I
deal solely with Vice-Chairman Robert Correale’s own former District X committee.
(If it was not for being a major Conflict of Interest, this would be a disgraceful JOKE. If my charges were against a local state police captain would the New Jersey Government procedure
be for the sergeant and patrolmen working under the captain do the investigation. Of
course not…)
The reason why this has been going on for eight years is because the State of New Jersey
follows these same Cover-Up procedures.
My question to the State of New Jersey Legislature is what is going to be different this time around? Will my clear
evidence be reviewed by an interested New Jersey Government agency, or will this be just another waste of stamps and continued
exacerbation of my PTSD disability?
I have another question that I would like to ask you directly. What
part of the State of New Jersey Government will be investigating, how a Superior Court transcript could be lost within Superior
Court, before it could be typed for use in the Law Division? Evidence and details
at: http://www.americans-working-together.com/id111.html
with this letter, I’m requesting a meeting with the two of you.
family, my supporters and I are looking forward to your continued interest on these issues.
Jack Cunningham
Are Corrupt Lawyers Above the Laws...
One disabled Vietnam vet has been battling eight
years to prove, "no."
Your "Due Process" under the law
was violated. Perjury is also an issue which should not be over-looked.
Try communicating with the US
Attorney and/or FBI.
Having been a pretty good "street
cop" for 35 years this December, I read carefully what you sent me.
If I was involved with this
case and having the documentation that you and the courts have, I believe that I would approach a mid-ranking Officer in the
police service in your area and inquire about "perjury" investigations.
After spending 28 years in
law enforcement, I've never seen such screw ups in my life. Sounds like these lawyers had something going with
friends in high New Jersey government places.
Theft of your
constitutional rights and due process under the law, by deception.
November 14, 2008 Congressman Scott Garrett, New Jersey's 5th Congressional District
Cc: Honorable Governor Jon Corzine Honorable Senator Steven V. Oroho
Honorable Alison Littell McHose
Americans Working Together
Dear Tatiana Marquis, District Director,
As per the conversation you had with
my wife Joan, please find the following information pertaining to my eight year struggle to initiate an investigation of my
charges of corruption, cover-up and a Conflict of Interest within the New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics and the
NJ Attorney General's office. Eight years of battling for Due Process is much to demand from an honorably disabled PTSD
Simply stated, I am requesting Governor Jon Corzine to look into (and answer my letters) how the state’s
Office of Attorney Ethics allowed Vice-Chairman Robert Correale to use his influence as a high level member to block Legal
Malpractice and Attorney Ethics charges from Correale and his law Firm, Maynard & Truland.
After a deluge of my
letters in 2003, the Office of Attorney Ethics had their nearby committee, District XI do a perjury-filled, malfeasance, lame
investigation; where Robert Correale and his former law firm, Maynard & Truland were cleared of all charges. Correale
and his law firm’s lawyers supplied no supporting evidence with their sworn certifications. However, I supplied Maynard
& Truland’s own contract and invoices, along with Superior Court Documents, court-filed letters, etc.
the years, Governor Jon Corzine has received, at least, seven U.S. mail letters (of which three were certified) and over twenty
emails on this subject. All contained attached evidence. However, the Governor's office has NOT returned any communication.
Additionally, Corzine's aid Susan does not return my phone calls, and her staff refuses to give me her last name.
Governor Corzine’s lack of return communications only adds to this New Jersey State Government Cover-up.
At this
point, I do not wish to burden you with additional details, of which there are plenty. I simply ask that you communicate to
the Governor my request for an investigation. (You can read evidence directly on the internet at the below listed
web links.) Due to being diagnosed and rated 100% disabled as a combat Marine, I suffer memory loss and request
a copy of all communications with Corzine's office. As per your request, I have copied my New Jersey State Legislative
representatives in the hope they will do their own follow-up with Governor Jon Corzine. Respectfully,
"John" Cunningham
Today, just like Jack Cunningham can not surrender to a bunch
of corrupt lawyers and corrupt government officials, who have been protecting them for eight years, Jack could not
surrender, when he served (24/7) in the Duc Duc Refugee village with eight other Marines.
The message of these webpages
is getting out...
As of September 3, 2008, these webpages have had 150 visitors for
2008 using the domain of House.gov
During that same period of time, 97 New Jersey State Employees using the
domain of State.NJ.us have visited these pages.
85 visitors using the domain Senate.gov
The Department of Justice
USDOJ.gov about 50 times.
7/1/2008 alone, there have been 15 visitors from the United States Supreme Court USCOURTS.gov
Lawyers Should NOT Be Above
The Laws In Any State.
Please get
in the free discussion at CITY-DATA.com: Why do our state politicians and state officials close
their eyes to corruption.